Finley Point State Park

About 11 miles from Polson on highway 35  is Finley Point State Park. Turn left at the old Finley Point store and travel about 4 miles to reach the park.

Finley Point State Park offers 18 campsites; 2 tent only, with fire rings and grills, firewood, bear resistant storage locker, boat trailer parking, extra vehicle parking, picnic tables, hookup (electric 30, 50 amp and water), utilities, 16 boat slips up to 25 feet long, boat mooring, picnic tables, trash cans, and drinking water. Fees are charged for day use, camping and amenities.

Finley Point State Park

Finley Point State Park is a 28 acre public access point open from May through September on the southern end of Flathead Lake. Recreational activities in and around the park include fishing, hiking, swimming, and boating. The campground provides 18 campsites, 16 boat slips, and boat moorings. Bear resistant storage lockers are also available.

The Park is within the boundaries of the Flathead Nation. Furthermore, a fishing requirement at this park, is a joint state/tribal fishing license. The park is 11 miles north of Polson on Montanas’ Hwy-35, then 4 miles west on county road.

Vacations on Finley Point

Finley Point State Park
31453 S. Finley Point Rd.
Finley Pt., Montana 59860
(406) 887-2715

The Flathead Lake Vacation Booklet provides information you will need for a great vacation. Information in the guide is sorted and linked by town, then by activities. Towns listed in the Flathead Lake Vacation booklet  include the population centers like Bigfork, Lakeside and Polson, as well as the smaller towns like Woods Bay and Finley Point.

For easy download, the vacation booklet is available for your tablet or smart phone. Spend less time wondering what to do and more time doing it!  Purchase your guide using our Pay-Pal option knowing your information is safe and secure. We’ll see you on the Lake!
Flathead Lake Vacation Guide

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Also located in the Finley Point Area

Finley Point Grill: 35427 Montana Highway 35, Polson, Montana 59860  Telephone:  406-887-2020

The Barn at Finley Point – A Rural Gathering Place,  Telephone: 406-887-2444

Other Areas Around Flathead Lake:

Yellow Bay State Park on Flathead Lake  and Flathead Lake Trail

Yellow Bay State Park on Flathead Lake

Flathead Lake Trail


How to Purchase the Flathead Lake Vacation Guide

For easy download, the vacation booklet is available for your tablet or smart phone.  Spend less time wondering what to do and more time doing it! You may Purchase your Guide using our safe and secure Pay-Pal option. Also available in paperback from Amazon.

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