Ducharme Fishing Access

Ducharme Fishing Access on Flathead LakeDucharme Fishing Access Site is located on the south side of Flathead Lake just west of Polson Montana.  Ducharme is a day use only site, there is no camping or facilities. There is a hand-launch, boat launch for trailiers 25ft and smaller. Overall Ducharme is a 51 acre fishing access site with stunning views of Flathead Lake and the Mission Mountain range.

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Fishing Access

Ducharme is one of many fishing access points around Flathead Lake.  It is under developed and under utilized.  It is a good place for some solitude and a chance to feel, hear and experience nature all around you.  To the east of the park is Polson Montana, and to the west of the park, around 16 miles is Bigfork Montana.  If you are traveling for pleasure consider the east shore, highway 35 route.  If you are traveling to get where you are going, go back to Polson and take the west shore, highway 93 route.  Which traveling through Polson, if you are into burgers, be sure to stop at Richwines Burgerville.

No matter which way you go, slow down and enjoy your vacation.

How to Purchase the Flathead Lake Vacation Guide

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We will see you on the Lake!